All Planets in Little Alchemy 2 (2024): How to Make All 9 Planets

9 Min Read

There is a total of 9 planet elements including the planet in Little Alchemy 2, a lot of players don’t know that.

Today we will create or make all planets in the Little Alchemy 2 game very easily and effectively way.

Little Alchemy 2 is a combination game where the player combines different elements to create or make new items.

The elements are represented as icons. You can combine by dragging and dropping one element into another to make new elements.

How Do You Make All Planets in Little Alchemy 2?

Here is the 9 all-planet list:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiters
  • Saturn

We will make step by step every single element.

1. How to Make Planet in Little Alchemy 2?

There are 5 ways you can make Planet in Little Alchemy 2. The 5 methods are

  • continent + continent 
  • ocean + continent 
  • earth + space 
  • earth + solar system 
  • earth + sky

Now we will combine only simple and easy element combinations. In this step, we will create only one continent element and combine them to make our final element.

There are 4 ways you can create Continent in Little Alchemy 2 but we use only one combination.

  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Earth + Land = Continent
  • Continent + Continent = Planet

Congratulations! Now you can also create this element with confidence.

2. How to make Mercury in Little Alchemy 2?

There are only 2 ways you can make Mercury in Litlte Alchemy 2. The 2 methods are –

planet + small
planet + heat1

Here is the step-by-step guide to making Mercury.

STEP 1: Make Planet

There are 5 ways to create Planet in Little Alchemy 2 but we only talked about simple combinations.

In this step, you need to combine 2 basic elements of earth to make land, and after that combine earth with a new Land element to make a Continent.

This time double-click on the Continent element and combine them to make Planet.

  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + land = continent
  • continent + continent = planet

STEP 2: Make Heat

There are 4 methods to make Heat in Little Alchemy 2.

In this step, you need to drag the fire element twice and combine them to make energy. After that drag the Air element on the Energy element to make Heat in Little Alchemy 2.

Now combine Planet and Heat (Planet + Heat = Mercury) elements together to make our second planet Mercury in Little Alchemy 2.

Here is the short code:

  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + land = continent
  • continent + continent = planet
  • fire + fire = energy
  • air + energy = heat
  • planet + heat = Mercury

3. How to make Venus in Little Alchemy 2?

You need only 6 combinations to make Venus in Little Alchemy 2. Here is the step-by-step walkthrough.

  • earth + fire = lava
  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + lava = volcano
  • earth + land = continent
  • continent + continent = planet
  • planet + volcano = venus

4. How to make Earth in Little Alchemy 2?

Earth is a basic planet. You don’t need to create it. Little Alchemy 2 officially already gives Earth as a basic element in the Little Alchemy 2 game. But you can make a lot of elements using Earth.

5. How to Make Mars in Little Alchemy 2?

There are only 2 methods to make Mars in this game. One is desert + planet, and the other is planet + rust. Here are the simple methods –

  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + fire = lava
  • earth + land = continent
  • air + lava = stone
  • continent + continent = planet
  • fire + stone = metal
  • air + metal = rust
  • planet + rust = mars

6. How to Make Jupiter in Little Alchemy 2?

There are 5 ways to create Jupiter in Little Alchemy 2. There are 6 combinations needed to make Jupiter in this game. Here are the all combinations –

  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + land = continent
  • continent + continent = planet
  • air + planet = atmosphere
  • atmosphere + water = cloud
  • cloud + planet = Jupiter

7. How to make Saturn in Little Alchemy 2?

There are 2 ways to create Saturn in Little Alchemy 2.

  • Jupiter + Small = Saturn
  • Planet + Ring = Saturn

In this article, we will show you simple methods (Planet + Ring = Saturn). Here is the step-by-step guide.

STEP 1: Create a Life

We discussed, How to create Life in detail. If you want to know how many ways to create life in little alchemy 2, then click on the link. Here is the step-by-step walkthrough.

Water + WaterPuddle
Puddle + Puddle / WaterPond
Pond + Pond / WaterLake
Lake + Water / LakeSea
Fire + EarthLava
Lava + SeaPrimordial Soup
Earth + LavaVolcano
Volcano + Primordial SoupLife
table: life in little alchemy 2

Second Make Planet:

earth + earthland
earth + landContinent
Continent + continentPlanet

Third Make Ring:

earth + watermud
earth + fire = lavalava
air + lava = stonestone
fire + stone = metalmetal
mud + stone = clayclay
clay + life = humanhuman
human + human = lovelove
love + metal = ringring
table: Ring in little alchemy 2

Final, Make Saturn:

Good! you play this game perfectly. Now you are only one step behind. Just combine the Ring and Planet elements together for Saturn.

Ring + Planet = Saturn

8. How to make Neptune in Little Alchemy 2?

To make Neptune with the elements “Planet + Sky + Night” in Little Alchemy 2, you will need to combine them in the following order:

  1. Combine the Planet and Sky elements to create a Night Sky.
  2. Combine the Night Sky and Night elements to create Neptune.

To make Neptune in Little Alchemy 1 you need to create 3 main elements (Sea, Man, and King). After making these 3 elements, just combine the King element with the Sea to make Neptune.

  • water + water = puddle
  • puddle + puddle = pond
  • pond + pond = lake
  • lake + lake or water = SEA
  • fire + fire = Sun
  • earth + water = plant
  • earth + sea = island
  • sea + Sun = life
  • earth + life = animal
  • island + plant = palm
  • palm + Sun = banana
  • animal + banana = MAN
  • island + man = flag
  • flag + man = crown
  • crown + man = KING
  • king + sea = Neptune


In conclusion, Making all the planets in the game requires players to combine various elements in a specific order to create Earth, Planet, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

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By Junior
I am Junior Biswas. I am a Student. I love to do different experiments. My goal is to help people with my step by step guide, so I created this website.
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