How to Make TIME in Little Alchemy 2 (2024)

33 Min Read

Have you ever dreamt of controlling time itself? In Little Alchemy 2, that dream can come true!

This isn’t just any guide. Here, we’ll reveal the secrets to creating the ultimate element: Time. With Time in your hands, you’ll become a master alchemist, transforming the game in amazing ways.

Are you ready to go beyond the ordinary and become legendary? Let’s start this magical journey together and learn How to Make TIME in Little Alchemy 2!

Unlike most other items, TIME is automatically unblocked once you discover 100 elements (including the 4 essential elements).

I will show you the combinations of 72 steps to discover 96 new items including time.

How to Make Time in Little Alchemy 2:

Input – Combine ElementOutput – Result
Water + WaterPuddle
Puddle + WaterPond
Pond + WaterLake
Lake + WaterSea
Earth + SeaPrimordial Soup
Earth + EarthLand
Earth + LandContinent
Continent + ContinentPlanet
Air + PlanetAtmosphere
Atmosphere + waterCloud
Water + CloudRain
Fire + FireEnergy
Primordial soup + Energy Life
Land + LifeAnimal / Soil
Rain + SoilPlant
Fire + Plantash, tobacco, smoke
Cloud + PlantCotton
Cotton + CottonThread
Thread + ThreadRope
Earth + FireLava
Lava + WaterSteam, Obsidian
Lava + AirStone
Earth + WaterMud
Mud + StoneClay
Clay + LifeHuman
Human + HumanFamily / Love
Air + AnimalBird
Fire + PlanetSun
Sun + PlantSunflower / Oxygen
Stone + HumanTool
Tool + SunSolar Cell
Life + FirePhoenix
Phoenix + PhoenixEgg
Mud + Fire Brick
Brick + Brick Wall
Wall + WallHouse
Sea + EggRoe / Fish
Bird + WallBirdhouse / Birdcage
House + BirdNest
Metal + RopeWire / Chain
Metal + StoneBlade
Blade + HumanCorpse / Blood
Blade + Metal Sword
Planet + EarthGrass
Grass + WallFence / Ivy
Water + SunRainbow
Rainbow + BirdPeacock / Toucan
Plant + RainbowFlower
Flower + AnimalBee / Butterfly
Air + AirPressure
Pressure + LavaEruption
Pressure + AirWind
Wind + FlowerLeaf / Pollen
Human + PlantFarmer
Farmer + GrassWheat / Nay
Farmer + HouseFarm
Farm + HouseBarn
Barn + AnimalLivestock
Livestock + BarnCow / Horse
Earth + MetalPlow
Plow + EarthField
Egg + BarnChicken
Chicken + WaterDuck / Chicken Soup
Egg + ChickenPhilosophy
Philosophy + HouseContainer
Container + FlowerGarden
Tree + FarmerFruit / Nuts
Sword + TreeWood
Wood + ContainerFireplace / Bucket
Fire + WoodCampfire / Charcoal
House + CampfireBBQ / Time

How to Create Elements with TIME in Little Alchemy 2

Combine withCreate
animalhuman + sloth
campfireash + smoke
corpsebone + skeleton
daynight + twilight
DeityFather Time
dinosaurbird + fossil
fairy talelegend
familyfamily tree
flowerfruit + seed
primordial souplife

Use this table to see how combining TIME with different elements can create a vast array of new items in Little Alchemy 2. Happy crafting!

How to make TIME in Little Alchemy 2 – step-by-step guide: 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 1: Go to the dashboard drag and select the water element and drag it onto the playing board. Select the water element and again drag it on the playing board correctly. You can see the new puddle element shown on your playing board. Puddle is a natural kiddie pool.

Water + Water = Puddle 

Step 2: Drag the water element again on the puddle element that you created in Step 1. There you can see the newly discovered pond element. The pond is a really small lake.

Puddle + Water = Pond 

Step 3: Again put the water element on the pond and this will make for us a lake. The lake is a big pond. 

Pond + Water = Lake 

Step 4: Again drop the water on the lake element in the playing board. There you can see the new sea element. Sea element is bigger than a lake and a smaller body of water surrounded by land.

Lake + Water = Sea 

Step 5: Then select the earth from the right side of the playing board and put it on the sea. Now you can see a new element. The name is primordial soup. Primordial soup is a body of water that can give birth.

Earth + Sea = Primordial soup 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 6: Select and drag the primordial soup on the right side. Then select the earth and drag on the empty playing board and again select and drag the earth element on the earth element. A new element of land will show up. The land is an earth’s surface that isn’t covered by water. Where animals and trees live. 

Earth + Earth = Land 

Step 7: Select the earth element and drag it on the newly made land element. You will see the new continent element. The continent is a large landmass separated by water, hills, country borders, and other things.

Earth + Land = Continent 

Step 8: On the continent element select and drag the other continent element from the right sidebar. You will see the new element is a planet. A planet is a huge place that is divided by water and land.

Continent + Continent = Planet

Step 9: Select and drag the air element on the planet and you will see the new atmosphere element. 

Air + Planet = Atmosphere 

The atmosphere is a layer that surrounds our planet and protects us from different horrors in space.

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 10: Go to the right bar scroll down, select water, and drag it onto the atmosphere. You will see the cloud element. A cloud element is a natural container of water. 

Atmosphere + water  = Cloud

Step 11: Again some technique, scroll down the right bar, select the water element, and put it on the cloud. You will see the rain element. Rain is the tears of the clouds. 

Water + Cloud = Rain 

Step 12: Select the rain element and put it on the right sidebar. Scroll down select the fire from the right sidebar and put it in the empty place. Again select and drag another fire element on the first fire element. You will see the new energy element. An energy element is a universal power. 

Fire + Fire = Energy

Step 13: Select the primordial soup and put it on the energy element. You will see the life element. 

Primordial soup + Energy = Life 

Step 14: Select the land element from the right side element bar and drag it on the life element. You will see the new animal and soil elements. An animal element is a multicellular organism that perpetually hungers for other organic matter, and is commonly classified in cracker form. 

Land + Life = Animal / Soil 

Soil element is the organic scalp of the Earth where plants, not hair, grow. 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 15: Select an animal and place it on the right side element, not soil element only animal. Then scroll down the right bar, select rain, and drag it on the soil element. You can see the new plant element. The plant is an organically solar-powered organism.

Rain + Soil = Plant 

Step 16: Select the fire element and place it on the new plant element. You will see ash ( Fire dandruff) element, tobacco (Dried leaves that are enjoyed smoked), and smoke (Herald of fire) element.

Fire + Plant = ash, tobacco, smoke

Step 17: Clean the dashboard. Scroll to the right sidebar, select a cloud, and drag it on the dashboard. Select another element which is called a plant element and drag it onto the cloud. A new cotton element pops up in your window. Cotton is a soft cloth for plant seeds used to smoke human clothes. 

Cloud + Plant = Cotton 

Step 18: Select another cotton element from the right sidebar and place it on the old cotton element. A new thread element will pop up on your window. Thread is a kind of fiber that’s used for sewing. 

Cotton + Cotton = Thread 

Step 19: Clean the dashboard. Scroll to the right sidebar, select a thread, and drag it on the dashboard. Select another thread element and drag it on the thread element. A new rope element pops up your window. The rope is two great cords that braid great together.

Thread + Thread = Rope

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 20:  Select earth from the right side element bar and place it on the dashboard. Then scroll down the right bar, select fire, and drag it on the fire element. You can see the new lava element. Fire is a hot liquefied rock.

Earth + Fire = Lava 

Step 21: Select water from the right side element bar and place it on the lave. You can see the new steam and obsidian element. Steam is hot air-sweats. Obsidian is a hardcore rock.

Lava + Water = Steam, Obsidian

Little alchemy 2

Step 22: Select lava from the right side element bar and place it on the dashboard. Then scroll down the right bar, select an air, and drag it on the lava element. You can see the new stone element. Stone is a breaker of bones and other such valuables. 

Lava + Air = Stone 

Step 23: Select Earth from the right side element bar and place it on the dashboard. Then scroll down the right bar, select water, and drag it on the earth element. You can see the new mud element. Mud is a water and earthy soft, sodden child. 

Earth + Water = Mud 

Step 24: Select a stone from the right side element bar and place it on the mud. You can see the new clay element. Clay is wet dirt. 

Mud + Stone = Clay 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 25: Select the life element from the right side element bar and place it on the clay element. You will see a new human element. Humans are the most dangerous in this game.

Clay + Life = Human 

Step 26: Select another human element and put it on the old human element. A new element of Love and family will be made. Love is the eternal life shared with someone else. A family is a group that is united by blood, marriage, or love.

Human + Human = Love / Family

Step 27: Select the air element from the element bar and drag it on the dashboard. Select another animal element from the same place and put it in the air. A new bird element will pop up. A bird is a dinosaur in hiding. 

Air + Animal = Bird

Step 28: Select the fire element from the element bar and drag it on the dashboard. Select the planet element from the same place and put it on the fire. The sun will pop up. Sun is the center of our galactic party.

Fire + Planet = Sun 

Step 29: Select Plant from the element bar and put it on the sun. A new sunflower and oxygen will pop up. Sunflower is the sun groupie of plants. Oxygen odorless gas that’s only important for life.

Sun + Plant = Sunflower / Oxygen 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 30: Select a stone and drag it on the dashboard. Scroll down the right sidebar, select and drag human elements on the stone. A new tool will pop up. A tool is a device used to achieve a goal. 

Stone + Human = Tool 

Step 31: Select the tool from the right sidebar and drag it on the tool. A new solar cell and sundial element will pop up. A solar cell is a light glutton. Sundial is the OG clock.

Tool + Sun = Solar Cell / Sundial 

Step 32: Clean the dashboard. Select life from the right sidebar and drag it on the dashboard. Select and drag another fire on life. A new Phoenix element will pop up. Phoenix is a bird that’s very difficult to kill.

Life + Fire = Phoenix

Step 33: Select and drag another phoenix from the right side element bar on the old phoenix. A new egg element will pop up. An egg is an organic container of life.

Phoenix + Phoenix = Egg

how to make time in little alchemy 2

A new window will show up.

Phoenix is now a depleted item!

It means you discovered all uses of this item. Now when you tap it you’ll send it straight to the encyclopedia!

Step 34: Clean the dashboard Select mud and drag it on the empty dashboard. Select another fire item and drag it on the mud. A new brick element will pop up. A brick is a block of hardened clay.

Mud + Fire = Brick

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 35: Select another brick element from the element bar and drag and put it on the old brick. A new wall element will show up. The wall is a vertical structure. 

Brick + Brick = Wall

Step 36: Select the wall from the element bar and drag it on the wall element. A new house item will show up. A house is a building for people to live in. 

Wall + Wall = House

Step 37: Clean the dashboard. Scroll the right sidebar, search for the sea, and drag it on the empty dashboard. Select another egg element and put it on the sea. A new roe and fish element will show up. Roe is a baby fish container. 

Sea + Egg = Roe / Fish

Step 38: Clean the dashboard. Select and drag the bird on the empty dashboard. Select another wall element and put it on the bird element. A new birdhouse and birdcage element will pop up. A birdhouse is a human-made house for birds.

Bird + Wall = Birdhouse / Birdcage

how to make time in little alchemy 2

A new message: 

A new item revealed!

Metal (Hard, soft, shiny, dull, liquid, solid; it can do it all!) 

A new message pops up for you

how to make time in little alchemy 2

You discovered a new basic item! Unlike the items you discover by mixing two things, basic items can be unlocked by satisfying hidden goals!

how to make time in little alchemy 2

Step 39: Select house and drag it on the dashboard. Select the bird item and drag it on the house element. A new nest element will pop up. The nest is made out of twigs, mud, and leaves that baby birds have to live in no matter how much they crow about it.

House + Bird = Nest

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 40: Select metal and drag it. Select rope and put it on the metal element. A new wire and chain element will show up. The wire is an electric vein! A chain is a metal often used to connect commands.

Metal + Rope = Wire / Chain

Step 41: Select metal and drag it. Select a stone and put it on the metal element. A new blade element will show up. The blade is the part that cuts instead of stabs!

Metal + Stone = Blade

Step 42: Select a human and put it on the blade element. A new corpse and blood element will show up. The corpse is a lifeless human body.

Blade + Human = Corpse / Blood

Step 43: Select metal and drag it. Select the blade and put it on the metal element. A new sword element will show up. The sword is a long knife that’s sharp on both sides.

Blade + Metal = Sword 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 44: Select a plant and drag it on the dashboard. Select earth and put it on the plant element. A new grass element will show up. The grass is nature’s carpet.

Plant + Earth = Grass

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 45: Select the wall item and drag it on the grass element. A new fence and ivy element will show up. The fence is a wall, but outside. Ivy is a plant with a passion for climbing using its five paint techniques. 

Grass + Wall = Fence / Ivy

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 46: Select water and drag it on the dashboard. Select the sun and put it on the water element. A new rainbow element will show up. A Rainbow is a curved band of colors caused by refraction, rain, and the occasional pot of gold.

Water + Sun = Rainbow

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 47: Select a bird and drag it on the rainbow element. A new peacock and toucan element will show up. Peacock is a bird with a built-in stage show. The toucan is a tropical bird with a massive bill that is an eater of fruits and sometimes loops. 

Rainbow + Bird = Peacock / Toucan 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 48: Select a plant and drag it on the dashboard. Select the rainbow and put it on the plant element. A new flower element will show up. Flower is a plant-based weapon in romantic courtship.

Plant + Rainbow = Flower

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 49: Select an animal and drag it on the flower element. A new bee and butterfly element will show up. A bee is a bumble insect armed with a single stinger and excellent dance instincts. Butterflies are insects with a Rorschach test for wings.

Flower + Animal = Bee / Butterfly 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 50: Select air and drag it on the dashboard. Select air and put it on the air element. A new pressure element will show up. Pressure is the exertion of force upon an object by something in contact with it, be it physical or figurative. 

Air + Air = Pressure

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 51: Select lava and put it on the pressure element. A new eruption and granite element will pop up. The eruption is what happens when a volcano sneezes. Granite is stop me if you’ve heard this before: quartz, mica, and feldspar walk into a bar. 

Pressure + Lava = Eruption 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 52: Select pressure and drag it on the dashboard. Select air and put it on the pressure element. A new wind element will show up. The wind is the air that blows all over the place and defies all attempts at prediction.

Pressure + Air = Wind

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 53: Select a flower from the right side element bar and drag it on the wind element. A new leaf and pollen element will pop up. The leaf is a solar panel for plants and a windsurfing board for insects. Pollen is the unmentionables of a made plant. 

Wind + Flower = Leaf  / Pollen

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 54: Select human and drag it on the dashboard. Select the planet item and put it on the human element. A new farmer element will show up. Farmers are major suppliers of fruits, vegetables, and can-do attitudes. 

Human + Plant = Farmer

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 55: Select grass and put it on the farmer. A new wheat and nay element will pop up. Wheat is a cereal grain and the bedrock of baked goods. Hay is dried grass that is used to feed livestock and hide needles. 

Farmer + Grass = Wheat / Hay

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 56: Select farmer and drag it on the dashboard. Select the house item and put it on the farmer element. A new farm element will show up. A farm is a development center for crops, animals, and spies.

Farmer + House = Farm 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 57: Select house from the right side element bar and drag it on the farm element. A new barn element will pop up. The barn is the farm garage.

Farm + House = Barn 

Step 58: Select an animal from the right side element bar and drag it on the barn element. A new livestock element will pop up. Livestock is Farm animals with a purpose. 

Barn + Animal = Livestock


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 59: Select the barn from the right side element bar and drag it on the livestock element. A new cow and horse element will pop up. The cow is a female ox that is used for its milk. The horse is a hornless unicorn, commonly used for transportation and racing.

Livestock + Barn = Cow / Horse 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 60: Select Earth and drag it on the dashboard. Select the metal item and put it on the earth element. A new plow element will show up. The plow is a blade used to vanquish dirt and create homes for seeds.

Earth + Metal = Plow

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 61: Select earth from the right side element bar and drag it on the plow element. A new field element will pop up. The field is a land ripe for planting.

Plow + Earth = Field


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 62: Select egg and drag it on the dashboard. Select the barn item and put it on the element. A new chicken element will show up. Chicken tastes like it. 

Egg + Barn = Chicken 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 63: Select water from the right side element bar and drag it on the chicken element. A new duck and chicken soup element will pop up. Ducks are short aquatic birds with webbed feet and surly dispositions. Chicken soup is a trademarked cure for the common cold.

Chicken + Water = Duck / Chicken Soup 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 64: Select egg and drag it on the dashboard. Select the chicken item and put it on the element. A new philosophy element will show up. Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and the existence of poultry.

Egg + Chicken = Philosophy 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 65: Select house from the right side element bar and drag it on the Philosophy element. A new container element will pop up. The container is something used for holding or transporting stuff like a box or one’s mouth. 

Philosophy + House = Container


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 66: Select a flower from the right side element bar and drag it on the container element. A new garden/vase element will pop up. A Garden is a small area used for growing flowers, fruits, vegetables, or rocks. A vase is a fancy cup of flowers. 

Container + Flower = Garden / Vase


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 67: Select the container and drag it on the dashboard. Select the nest item and put it on the container element. A new tree element will show up. The tree is the source of wood and the eternal adversary of lumberjacks. 

Container + Nest = Tree 


Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 68: Select farmer from the right side element bar and drag it on the tree element. A new fruit and nuts element will pop up. Fruit is a totally sweet plant product. Nuts are the puzzle fruit, consisting of a tough-to-crack shell around a tasty center. 

Tree + Farmer = Fruit / Nuts

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 69: Select the sword and drag it on the dashboard. Select the tree item and put it on the sword element. A new wood element will show up. Wood is tree meat.

Sword + Tree = Wood

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 70: Select the container from the right side element bar and drag it on the wood element. A new fireplace and bucket element will pop up. The fireplace is the only place where an accidental fire isn’t a dangerous mistake. The bucket is an open cylindrical container with a handle that can be used to carry materials, or worn as a hat. 

Wood + Container = Fire Place / Bucket 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 71: Select fire and drag it on the dashboard. Select the wood item and put it on the fire element. A new campfire and charcoal element will show up. A campfire is an outdoor communal heat dispenser and cooker. Charcoal is what’s left when wood or other organic things allow access to air, and then set ablaze. 

Fire + Wood = Campfire / Charcoal 

Time in Little Alchemy 2 Step 72: Select house and drag it on the dashboard. Select the campfire item and put it on the house element. A new BBQ element will show up. BBQ is a portable cooker with a clothing requirement of very dumb aprons. A new message will pop up. 

A new item revealed!


How to make time in little alchemy 2

Last Word:

Thank you for reading my post ( How to make TIME in Little Alchemy 2?). If you have any doubts regarding Little Alchemy 2 please comment, I will solve your major problem as soon as possible. Thank You, God Bless You and Your Family.

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By Junior
I am Junior Biswas. I am a Student. I love to do different experiments. My goal is to help people with my step by step guide, so I created this website.